Sunday, July 17, 2011

Red Rover, Red Rover, roll Rusty right over

It's slow going, but Foster mama has me practicing sit>down>roll over. I've got sit and down, but I haven't yet quite figured out the rolling over. I kind of begin the movement of rolling over, but without enough effort. Foster mama describes my effort as "Meh."

She's also confused about whether to click at all if I only begin to roll over, so it's been a mixed bag. Rather than continue tonight in a bit of confusion, she decided to put off further encouragement until later.

Bragging rights: I'm learning to sit at the door and let Foster mama leave first - as well as letting her enter the house upon our return before me - very well.

We're contemplating working on getting me to shake with my right paw (we've mastered the Southpaw), but Foster mama thinks that should go on the back burner. I agree! Is being able to shake with both paws more important than learning better doggie manners? I think no.

I'm learning fast and would love to learn more from anyone who wants to make me theirs.

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