Monday, July 11, 2011


Foster mama took me to a workshop at a park in Raleigh last night. There were six to seven dogs there with their foster parents, and there was a lead man there who gave lots of instructions and tips to the humans in attendance.

Foster mama was impressed with how well I walked on my leash with the lead man, especially since I wasn't wearing my prong collar. He could've been the dog whisperer!

I behaved pretty well overall, even though it was hotter than Hades out there. Foster mama learned tips to help strengthen my ability to heel; to train me to sit and stay; and to encourage me to not follow her absolutely everywhere she goes. She doesn't like it when I step on the backs of her flip flops when she's walking. I don't blame her and promise to work on it under her tutelage.

She and I are both confident that I will continue to be an excellent student with the right leadership. After all, I've already come a long way to becoming a well-mannered boy.

I'm still camera shy, so the pics below aren't the best. Foster mama took the second one through the rear window. We think it's kinda cool because you can see both of us via the reflection.

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