Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Coy boy

That's how Foster Mama describes me when I'm posing like this, even though shy or demure are adjectives that most would never attribute to me! I suppose photos can deceive...

Here I am grooming myself. Foster Mama has described my hygiene habits as cat-like, but I don't much like that comparison. I am not a cat!

I am a very tidy doggie and I like to keep my own space and surroundings as such. Foster mama tells me all the time how impressed she is with my routine.

6:20 AM: wake up with Foster mama and go for a walk.
6:50 AM: return home so Foster mama can take Zoe out
7:05 AM: PLAY TIME with Zoe while Foster mama gets ready for work
7:20 AM: Foster mama gives me my daily frozen kong treat (JOY!)
7:30 AM: Foster mama leaves for work

Sometime between 4:45 and 5:00 pm, Foster mama returns! Joy ensues again! We go for a long walk (me first and then Zoe), and then we relax while Foster mama catches up on some of her favorite TV shows.

Wouldn't you like to work me in to your daily schedule?

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