Wednesday, July 13, 2011


More clicker training with Foster mama has proven that I am a super-quick learner. She's been exploring the different clicker methods and we've experimented with the "capture method."

Basically, for a 3-5 minute session she decides what she wants me to do (sit or down for example) and every time I do it on my own (no voice or hand signals) I get a click and treat. Last night's session got her giggling because I was basically going to my bed, laying down (click, treat) then moments later coming over towards her and laying down (click, treat), then repeat...over and over.

We've started implementing hand and verbal cues for sit successfully (I already kinda knew that trick) and we'll work on down verbal signals this week. She's also managed to teach me "shake" masterfully.

Foster mama recommends the clicker pictured above. It's the "StarMark Clicker Dog Training Aid." She picked up two at Petsmart (she has a bad habit of misplacing things) for about $10. She also checked out some books at the library. I'm grateful for her efforts and will be proving so by working hard to learn my way at warp speed. She thinks I'm quite capable!

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