Sunday, June 12, 2011

More peanut butter please

My dieting days are officially over. Foster mom took me for a weigh-in yesterday and I'm just a hair over 40 pounds now. Woo hoo! Bring on the peanut butter Kongs.

Yesterday was a busy one. Foster mom took me to the adoption event at the Cary Petsmart where it was packed as well as hotter than Hades. I met Bella, a dog that could not stop kissing me. I found that funny since on the way to the adoption event, Foster mom turned around and told me my amber eyes are Edward Cullen-ish.

As per usual, while in route to and from our destination I spent some time resting my head on the rear seat of Foster mom's car. She took the photo below on our way home. (Off-centeredness due to Foster mom's responsible driving and therefore lack of aim/focus).

But we also took a couple of detours so Foster mom could take me to meet her most favorite veterinarian in the world, who is no longer going to be practicing in Durham after next weekend. (Foster mom is quite upset about that).

Here I am in the Starbucks drive-thru. This was taken just before I made an attempt to jump over the back seat. The girl at the window asked if I was trying to say hi, so I answered with a bark (yes). She told Foster mom that I am a super cute doggie, but I didn't blush because I know it's true!

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